Darkest dungeon team comps swine
Darkest dungeon team comps swine

Part of constructing a good team involves making sure that your party can still function even when someone is out of position. Victory loves preparation.You may have had trouble in the past when your team is forced out of its regular position, like when your party is surprised. Don’t forget to put trinkets on your heroes.

  • Occultist has access to two powerful single target stun.
  • Lots of healing capacity between three healers.
  • Arbalest can reveal the abundance of stealth enemies.
  • All members can move enemies to force them to resort to weaker abilities.
  • Mark synergies help get rid of enemies quickly.
  • Plague Doctor cures bleeds and can blight fish enemies.
  • Occultist is also good at killing eldritch.
  • Occultist can move backliners out of position.
  • Abomination can blight two positions at once.
  • Man at arms can tank heavy damage and protect weaker heroes.
  • Plague Doctor can heal blight and bleed attacks.
  • Arbalest can clear marks to reduce enemy damage output.
  • All party members can move enemies out of position.
  • Weald enemies are vulnerable to movement attacks.
  • Mark synergy for heavy single target damage.
  • Heroes can multiple hit enemies with bleed attacks.
  • darkest dungeon team comps swine

    The evasive heroes are good against the low accuracy enemies unless marked.The weald is very similar to the warrens.There are plenty of bleed abilities in the comp.Mark synergies between Houndmasters and occultist.Camping skills provide surprise bonuses for this party.Stress and self-heals along with good evasion.All party members can hit multiple enemies.Trade-damage potential from the first listed party for more stable and safe lineup.Tanky frontline with high damage capabilities.

    darkest dungeon team comps swine

    Professional in the front, party in the back. Utilizes Crusaders high damage in the ruins.Equipped with holy lance, your crusaders can hit almost every spot.Send these lineups, and your heroes will be coming back with bags of gold and rare trinkets every time. If you don’t send the right heroes, few will come back home. These are the most powerful party setups to destroy evil. What Are The Best Darkest Dungeon Team Setups?

    Darkest dungeon team comps swine