Age of wonders planetfall playable factions
Age of wonders planetfall playable factions

age of wonders planetfall playable factions

Planetfall is just that, although I’d argue that a lot of effort went into making the game as accommodating to new or inexperienced players as possible. A lot of the gameplay is heavily dependent on creative, imaginative, and strategic thinking – think management sim, but with more micromanagement needed. 4X is a genre within turn-based strategy, requiring players to explore, expand, exploit and exterminate to victory. Let’s get into the nitty gritty of the overarching game design first.

age of wonders planetfall playable factions

It’s the fourth in their long-running Age of Wonders series, and the first to incorporate a science fiction setting. There are some caveats to Planetfall, but for players who want to dip their toes into turn-based strategy, this is probably one of the best places to start.Īge of Wonders: Planetfall is a 4X turn-based strategy game developed by Triumph Studios and published by the authority on all things strategy, Paradox Interactive. I’m not at all what you’d consider a veteran of 4X turn-based grand strategy titles, and for the most part I’d avoid them like the plague, but Age of Wonders: Planetfall has certainly piqued my interest into the – eherm – wonders of the genre, in particular to how incredible the pay-off is after you’ve sunk hours into playing. With the release of developer Triumph’s latest entry into their popular Age of Wonders series, Age of Wonders: Planetfall, I believe we have reached a peak when it comes to accessibility for casual players looking to get into 4X games.

Age of wonders planetfall playable factions